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How to combine business and personal priorities...

Perhaps you aim to keep them separate or you're searching for an answer on how to get the right balance? Read more on why it's important to protect your priorities.....

When I made the decision to leave my 9-5 job as a nursery manager and director in Harwich, Essex and run my own Virtual Assistant business this summer, I purposefully made decisions early on that would have positive impacts for

• my health • my family • my work/life balance

Now I write that, I wonder if it sounds a little selfish (me, me, me!) but I knew I had to put myself first and NOW was the perfect time to do it!!

For me, I made simple changes to my working week such as

  • Taking a proper lunch break everyday - including moving away from your work! Not eating from your desk (we've all been there, done that!)

  • Ensuring I take a walk or bike ride to get myself out the house each day - even more important if you work indoors

  • Aiming to get most work done before 4pm (I'm not perfect at this, but I'm getting better!!)

  • Protecting my Wednesdays. (My current Virtual Assistant clients know this) I see my Grandparents, collect their shopping, get them out the house and generally be their source of entertainment for the day, along with my Mum! This photo is actually me yesterday, enjoying a bit of sun whilst taking my Gran for a walk along Harwich & Dovercourt promenade.

Putting these priorities first are achieving exactly what I wanted them to do.

Would you agree on similar priorities? How can you put plans in place so that you put them first?

YOU do need to put your own priorities first, YOU don't need to say yes to everyone.

Time flies by so quickly, time that you won't get back.

If you think I can help you put your priorities first during your working week, let me know. It could be that you deserve a lunch break, just 1 hour FOR you every day - what work could you pass onto me so that you get that lunch break. Then once you get it...make sure you protect it!!

I'm more than happy to chat with you and get your priorities sorted! Click here to get in contact



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©2020-2024 by Laura Rachel

Virtual Assistant 

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